Focus Area: Medical Advocacy


Our strategic advocacy for iBIO helped delay legislation on a Prescription Drug Affordability Board, allowing time to explore patient-centered alternatives that address affordability without unintended consequences.

The Challenge

Our firm represents the Illinois Biotechnology Innovation Organization (iBIO.) In 2024,  Illinois Legislature filed legislation to create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB.) States all across the country are beginning to file similar pieces of legislation, but only one state has one board in operation. There are significant concerns behind these boards, as they have not been proven to have any major impact on curbing prescription drug prices.

Our team worked with both chambers to slow down the legislation and continue negotiations over the upcoming year. We are working with our client iBIO to show the legislature other ways that we as an industry are working with patient groups to help them pay less out of their pocket.  

The Solution

The Outcome

  • The legislation has still not moved out of either chamber.

  • We have assisted in building coalitions with other relevant stakeholder groups such as patient groups.  

  • We continue to work with the sponsors in both chambers to come up with other solutions that help accomplish the same goal of helping patients pay less out of pocket for drug prices.